The looming statistic that states 69% of us set New Year’s resolutions and yet only 8% achieve them is not surprising. However, it is never too late to finish what we started, whether it is to look after ourselves better, take more photographs or spend more time with our friends and loved ones.

How can you be in that 8%? Written Goals.

  1. Why set goals?

Without goals, we can veer off track and lose control hence, setting goals gives us purpose and direction, as well as great satisfaction and happiness when we reach them.

  1. Review the year gone by

We are always learning and trialling new experiences, whether it is a new fitness regime, recipe or coffee shop. It is important to ask yourself, “Last year, what worked? What didn’t?

  1. Consider the lessons learnt

For each lesson learnt, writing down answers to the following questions, cements in our minds how we can improve:

What could I do differently? What did I accomplish? Did I miss out on any goals? How did I keep up?

  1. Set your top goals
  • Firstly consider what your personal values and passions are, this will make identifying goals easier
  • Ask yourself, “What roles do I play in my life?” This could be a father, partner, son, sister or friend for example. Then decide which role will be the focus for this goal
  • Now list your top 10 goals, they could be about family, career, financial, personal development or lifestyle.
  1. Commit to taking action

This is where SMART (Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Relevance, Time bound) goals enter.

  • Specific goals consider the 5 W’s (Who, What, When, Where and Why), use direct and active words and list every step.
  • Measurable goals put success in numbers whether that is a date to achieve it by or negotiating a salary increase by 5%. You are responsible for regularly checking their progress
  • Achievable goals must also be realistic. Identify your constraints, capacity and ability to actually do it.
  • Relevance of the goal must consider how much control and influence you have, how motivated you are and how well the goal fits into the big picture
  • Time bound relates not only to a due date, but how working towards the goal will impact your work and life and how it fits with your present and future.
  1. Maintain momentum

Simplifying and breaking the goals down will make you feel great when you do accomplish something, as well as maintaining your motivation.

Write it down and plan it out. Look at it each and every day by putting a copy on the fridge or at your desk. The satisfaction of ticking tasks off, no matter how small, will keep you motivated to be and do better with every goal you SMARTly set. You can be in that 8%.

Information from this article was written with MLC.